
Regenerative Medicine Clinic in Mexico.

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Kidney Failure – MexStemCells
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Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure

Kidney Disease is a chronic degenerative disease caused by several factors, among which are the characteristics of diabetes mellitus complications, congenital conditions, to infections in the urinary tract, and for which no viable alternatives existed for treatment.

There is a belief that the deterioration of the kidneys caused by renal failure is an irreversible process, where patients with this disease, have to undergo necessarily a kidney replacement therapy, assisted by a machine he had , whose function is to filter waste from the blood, the kidney itself no longer can.

In our stem cells clinic in Mexico we have developed, the only therapy with provable results in regeneration of kidneys, stopping the progression of the disease and increasing the kidney function in our patients preventing them to enter in hemodialysis.

With the Cell Regeneration Therapy in our Mexico´s clinic, we have managed to increase kidney function of patients had less than half its Operation Renal.

Important considerations Patient with Chronic Renal Failure:

Patients with Renal Insufficiency entering dialysis process, must attend 1 to 3 times weekly sessions lasting between 2 and 3 hours to clean your body of toxins that your kidney can no longer remove.

Unfortunately this temporary process can only be a maximum of two to three years before the patient needs a kidney transplant, and that waiting times from an anonymous donor, the kidney is usually donated by a healthy family.

Today this process can be avoided and regenerating the kidney of the patient and at the same time attacking the causes of deterioration. For more information about kidney failure treatment with stem cells please contact us in our telephone +1 832-384-4278

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