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Food Bad for Kidneys – MexStemCells
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Food Bad for Kidneys

Food Bad for Kidneys

Kidney disease affect more than 850 million people worldwide. “The kidney often betrays its silent companion, thus oftentimes the patient does not realize he or she is leaving it behind.” There are two types of renal insufficiency: acute and chronic ones.

The kidney disorder known as acute inability to filter blood properly occurs when there is an alteration of the function for less than three months, requiring a directed treatment and avoiding toxic drugs that affect your kidneys such as anti-inflammatory agents or aminoglycosides. Chronic insufficiency happens “when we experience more than one Monthly Change In Function Of The Renal System” which leads us into irreversible territory, and usually the long term goal for patients is to maintain the functionality as long as possible.

The major risk factor for kidney insufficiency is diabetes and some of its symptoms, such as mild aches that can indicate we have an issue with our blood pressure. Fatigue happens because the kidneys assist in producing erythropoietin (EPO) which helps maintain red cell production; however, when this process isn’t working properly you will experience less energy levels due anemia.

The Erythropoietin hormone is produced by kidneys and plays an important role in the production of red blood cells, as well as other complications such as low-level Vit D, metabolism problems and alternations in phosphorus, calcium, and potassium.  

To live a healthy lifestyle and stay well, it’s important to eat right and exercise regularly. We also need plenty of sleep so that our bodies have enough time for healing from the inside out- not just on top but deep down where all hurts start! Smoking cigarettes will make you sicker faster than anything else because they damage your kidneys as well which are crucial organs in maintaining good health without them we couldn’t filter waste products out through urine then form them into crystals called creatine.

Red Meat

Besides its large amount of protein contained, dairy products, fish, eggs, red meat is rich is phosphorus, responsible for the activation of enzymes and collaborate in the development of teeth and bones. When a kidney is healthy it can eliminate excessive phosphorus but when the Kidney fails phosphorus could accumulate in the arteries causing severe damage.

Whole Dairy

Even though whole milk products have proteins, calcium, and saturated fatty acids of short-chain, beneficial for the body, moderate consumption is advisable to prevent work overload for our kidneys.

Urea is the for in which kidneys eliminate proteins, excessive consumption could generate an overexertion. Proteins are essential for maintaining body functions as well as the muscular mass, so it is not suggested to eliminate them from our diet, but its moderate consumption is advisable. In average proteins daily intake should not surpass 25% of the total.


Large amounts of sodium in the blood reduce kidney’s ability to eliminate liquids, and the continuous consumption of sausages increase the risk of retaining liquids. In general terms less than 5g of salt a day in recommended by the World Health Organization. Processed meats and sausages have around 1.9 to 2.3 grams of salt in each 100 g of product.  It is also recommended that any product does not contain more than 1 gram of salt in each 100 grams. Patients with heart conditions are advised for no more than 0.25 g in each 100g.

Precooked vegetable broths and cubes

Large amounts of added salt are found in cubes and precooked vegetables; for this reason, is highly advisable to replace them with broths made at home based on vegetables avoiding additional salt.  

They also contain large amounts of added salt; it is essential to replace them with homemade vegetable broths without added salt.


Pickles might be perceived as healthy products, but most of the time they are added with large amounts of salt. Salt is normally added to preserve them for more time, as well as other preserves in general, so it is important to read labels in the products before buying and consuming them.


Alcohol consumption can alter the hormonal control mechanisms that govern the kidneys, in addition to causing an imbalance in electrolytes. In fact, some people complain of kidney pain after consuming alcohol. This is because the kidneys filter water with the help of antidiuretic hormone, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that can be affected by alcohol.

For more information about alternatives to improve kidney funcionality, call us at +1 832-582-1251 or visit www.mexstemcells.com

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